Last night, we met the boys of
Wong Fu whom I wrote about
last Feb!
Wong Fu are a group of Asian-American guys who recently graduated from the University of San Diego. The boys started out making music videos and shorts in college that grew wildly popular through youtube distribution. They now have their own media production company that does graphic design, music video/ad direction and stuff like that. Wong Fu was in town to promote their first feature-length film
A Moment With You (typical fluffy love story with definite influences from Taiwanese teen dramas).
The idea was to introduce how they are breaking the stereotype that members of the Asian Pacific American (APA) community are only geared towards traditional professional fields. I didn't think Philip and Co. were too interested in representing because of how happily they do what they do without needing to consider race.
The movie did lead me to this mental thesis statement:
When it comes to relationships, females will more often than not be in the position of Explaining Everything. Otherwise, nothing gets explained, and the female is in the wrong because she left without saying why. If the guy does the same, he is merely being a male.That's Enlin, Winnie and I with Wesley and Philip. They were sweet. One girl in the audience asked Philip to do the Chinese accent from
Yellow Fever and he was all "Noooo I can't please don't put me on the spot!" Wah, so shy. I am also, on reflection, the only non-ABC in this lineup.
In the spirit of APA film I found
Better Luck Tomorrow very impressive. It's slick and completely unpatronizing. Plus, John Cho (
Harold and Kumar's Harold) is the um, villain.