There's always the disorienting desire to 大哭一场 before leaving - not purely out of miss-everyone sadness but also only understanding a fraction of the enormity of lives to juggle - but it never happens. Maybe it's the complete inability to understand why some people can so freely inflict emotions on others who can only awkwardly try to comprehend. While it's a new idea to remember "there is nothing I don't treasure", wouldn't that mean heavily weighting every item without assigning responsibility to anyone but myself? As I knew from the beginning it's a fairly dangerous way to live, but that's really the whole point and the whole story.
It's more than a bit painful to look at entries from a year ago and already realise the never-to-come-again innocent happiness I had. But more importantly, this time I've dared to sacrifice for the juggling. And as always the balance.
# posted by s. ning @ 12:45 AM