Did he just say "blaxploitation pimp"?Spring break decisions, decisions:
Cancun Florida | New York |
Pros - Hello, CANCUN
Cons - Will seriously cut into resolve to spend less this semester - Have kind of already committed to New York
| Pros - Will see Caren - Much more affordable - no need to spend on residence, people can drive, etc.
Cons - Have been there before
Blame it on an irresponsible bug that wants another thing I haven't done before, i.e. something totally American, blow-all and beachy, that cuts into NY promises. I have just run out of printer paper again and it's only the third week of school; went to buy cake ingredients for Cecil's birthday and lost the butter on the way home; then decided that if I swear and teeth-chatter every time the temperature drops below zero in the daytime (the wind really squeezes your head like a lemon), it isn't the brightest thing to apply to Oxford for exchange, especially not in the fall semester.
I never knew that Amnesty International's
stand on the death penalty is that it shouldn't exist at all. Or that a mere 22 countries carried out executions in 2005. I was seriously shocked when the president insisted that providing a
for stand for the death penalty would be the same thing as saying there is an argument
for genocide. Extremism can take many forms, and I always disconcertedly realise I'm that much more conservative than I thought I was.
On top of the usual I'm now on praise team with practices at least twice a week and start gainful employment at the bookstore on Wednesday. Fun times.
# posted by s. ning @ 10:18 PM