Recall: trees
It's hard to remain feeling like capability spectrum has shrunk to sesame-seed-size when God chooses to brick me over the head with important lessons and then give this sort of view on the walk back from class.
In the unwritten once-in-a-lifetime list: visit Latin America; see an *NSYNC member in person - any member, if only to laugh and laugh. And then?
Alternative Spring Break may give me the chance to hit up Mexico or PERU next semester and continue wrestling with the intricacies that come with teaching the messy English language that to some, means survival. When Enrique asked me to define
sunshine at ESL tutoring this week then said, as if surprised, "that's a
beautiful word," it was hard not to give in to one of those frightening, cheek-splitting grins.
Because, last year, I didn't give proper voice to how Virginia is at her stunning best in the fall, take a brief tour!
She shakes out that hair at Old Cabell and Brown.
Where I live now! Path up to the IRC, then Munford porch.
My favourite picture - this is the Glass Tunnel That Serves No Purpose aside from the fact that it connects Munford and Gwathmey, and can be useful for playing nasty trapping tricks on visitors because you need your ID card to get through either end.
# posted by s. ning @ 2:21 PM