My favourite tea-egg smell permeates the house. Stomach is heavy with sting-ray, satay, sugar-cane juice, a testament to love. The last thing this time was CG dinner at Chomp Chomp and a lot of screaming with laughter because we uncovered a lot of mutual mysteries. Like What Lies Beneath a CHIJ Pinafore ("how long did you think the blouse was?") and the fact that there are slits in boxers. How come I never knew that males have always had pee-flaps? Church people are like family; they've known you forever and sometimes close sometimes not-so-close, but they'll always remember when you were young and stupid and love you anyway. Everything that can come close to God's eternity.
I almost bought more uni merchandise today while visiting 1c girls. Wearing a HDB-coloured T-shirt shouting "I TRIPLE-HEART NUS" would be a stretch though. I've almost done with packing and think I will write again before Friday. If not, will be quick-sentimental and blow-kiss this multi-summer goodbye.
# posted by s. ning @ 11:32 PM