craig thompson
the incubator
mr. mraz
This is Han outside the Plaza Hotel in NYC. I took this picture simply because voices at that moment said to do so.
And lo and behold, what is the hotel William dashes into to find Penny totally off her face, valiantly holding the girl upright before making that sweet speech about "boldly going where many men have gone before"?
I seem to have lost interest in brainy movies, by the way. I enjoyed X-3 mightily, in what my fanboy friend would call a wholly Mainstream Manner; excuse me for enjoying thematic elements, Jiahan!
My Malaysian relatives are here for the Great Singapore Sale, if nothing else, and there was the dinner with them that included smiling a lot since I do not understand dialect. I don't know why my mum keeps assuming I can deal with children, but the older you get the more you remember yourself, adding chocolate sprinkles to my cousin's already-chocolate ice-cream, and Never Patronizing 12-Year Olds.
I don't know why I assume I can read a library; I already have five books from there plus the two I got from awesome Books Actually jaunt with Gen.
What would I do without girly-MSN-convos-that-are-not-with-girls?
"Never take it seriously.
If you never take it seriously, you never get hurt.
If you never get hurt, you always have fun.
And if you ever get lonely...
you just go to the record store...
and visit your friends."
So said Penny Lane. Don't listen to her - too seriously, anyway.