Fact: Secret of Life
When you can walk down the street and say I AM ME, MOTHERFUCKER.
Did a presentation on Alfian Sa'at for my Poetries of Asia class and it went wonderfully, everyone was very impressed by how young he is, although I think I somehow gave the class the impression that the PAP government consists of narrow-minded ogres, which I of course did not intend. I received this cute email from my professor afterwards.
Hi Shuang-Ning, I enjoyed your presentation very much and want to thank you for introducing me to the work of Alfian Sa'at. I have asked Alderman Library to buy a copy of "One Fierce Hour". It seems there is a later collection, "History of Amnesia". Have you seen it? If you hear of any ghazals by Sa'at written in Malay, could you let me know?
All the best,
I just received call number sixty-five from Bernice's bff back home, only to give her "Sorry, she isn't in," all smooth and polite in long training from my mother's phonecalls, but where is my roommate anyway? She appears to have vanished from life because of highly stressful and dramatic catering job, racks of wine glasses and colleagues who do nothing but smoke weed in parked cars.
End-of-term usually just means a lot of eating; at last night's CCF closing small-group there was shockingly authentic mee sua, mutton curry and guo tie as well as cornbread, pistachio pie and homemade strawberry ice-cream. Not to the mention the chocolate fondue that didn't come into being because Eileen didn't realize we needed fuel for the fondue maker. I want to have signature dish by fall. I love how everything that happens pushes me to try something new; not in peer-pressure way either. Then Gaellic TA quite unaffectedly brought cookies he baked for our last discussion, I could just see my female classmates mentally putting their hands to their mouths and squealing at how adorable this was.
I have successfully finished a post without a mention of finals. They are fine. There's so much to cover, but nothing that will kill me.
Han will be here in 10 days, I am too excited for words.
# posted by s. ning @ 3:56 PM