Today is a clean day, unlike yesterday's twenty-four hour storming. I was sitting atop a pile of umbrellas in the backseat of our car, because my mum probably grabs one every time she gets in, and throws it over her shoulder.
After reading Michelia's horror countdown celebration stories, why was I not surprised to find it splashed across the New Paper! Of course they talked to the Bangledeshi workers to work in the incriminating angle, I can't believe they agreed to babble happily about it being "okay" to molest women in their home country because they are "quiet and will not complain", while of course the females here are screechily indignant if you so much as look at them.
Woman Warrior and IPW all over again! And TNP milks the cow for all its worth.
I remember the little old man eating cake by himself when I was out with 1c girls, and while yes Sona it was certainly cute, but at the same time I just felt unbelievably sad. Not pity-sad, but I was just thinking about my grandfather again and how even my mum got annoyed with him, glare-prodding him to talk and he wouldn't, and the werewolf in St. Mungo's (see
Order of the Phoenix) who didn't have any visitors at Christmas, and how scared we all are that we will always be alone.
Jack's Place standoff, NUS and SMU tours,
Hooligans, meeting Stella who teaches IP brats at NJ this week before I leave, and I promise to get somewhere this year. I think 2005 problem was poking myself in the eye when I failed, and expecting miracles, but this time I will be okay with little steps that make a lot.
# posted by s. ning @ 11:53 AM