That Brokeback got me goodI finally headed Downtown with Jong today to catch the
gay cowboy film, and stole my title from Pajiba, again, but can we say, one of the most lovingly-crafted movies since the LOTR era?
Jay and Heath are entirely too beautiful, of course (has anyone else noticed what gorgeously delicate eyelashes Heath has? Wah now I sound like I am writing for Lime) but both slip into their roles with such nuanced yet ferocious intensity that nervous laughter is not an option here - it speaks of obsession, the main
thread of your life, and how much of your heart you're willing to admit someone has.
When Jack heard his daughter was engaged to a man she'd known for a year, I totally expected him to say, "How much can you know someone - even after twenty?" (He didn't.) Because that's what it says, and yet he wouldn't let go. Yes, that is the point, not Heath Ledger's eyelashes. R21 be damned, sneak in, my friends. It's worth it. Otherwise, you can count on me to shell out for the DVD in March.
I am sensing growing hatred for my Poetries of Asia class, if only because it provides such ample room for the whistle-brained comments like "Soma is a
drug? I thought it had something to do with cows. Cows are mentioned a lot" and "the metaphor of honey can also mean, um, sticky, so it's hard to let go of". Although it is shocking how I have close to zero basic background knowledge in any form of religion other than my own.
Chinese New Year pigout at Helen's place on Sunday, where the displaced children have to recreate their holiday without the angbaos!
# posted by s. ning @ 12:17 AM