Still an whore who will soon be penniless, I have purchased the following items:
- Flight, volumes
1 and
The Magic Christmas, or the one Sweet Valley volume you can still read without shame - I never got over lending this gem to primary school classmate who conveniently forgot to return it
Mysterious Skin DVD - it's outttttttt!
Just got back from the annual
Lighting of the Lawn, with about every acapella group on campus singing carols, and cider and hot chocolate outside the Lawn rooms. Exams during Christmas season are cardinally poor arrangements, particularly with these beautiful reminders, but I am not complaining today because everything is only due next week. A week is a long time.
I've been back from Thanksgiving break for a week now, and Canada is just as I remembered it, only quieter and fuller of Asian people than I ever remembered. It was odd getting there from white-majority DC with a stopover in Hispanic-dominated L.A., in dreamy spectator mode that punctuated the delicious feeling of travelling solo for the first time ever. We did not actually have any bang-up Thankgsiving dinner because Canada celebrates a month early, though on the night itself I found myself in a very New-Yawka style restaurant with waitresses in varying styles of LBDs, and all so gorgeous that I was heartily grateful to be female, else I might have left my bottom jaw somewhere on the polished floor. And cousins whose faces you've known your whole life and have barely spoken to, but suddenly see from fresh American-college perspective, and aunts who suffocate you with EAT EAT EAT, and Metrotown shopping with my mum, so whisk out all the sadness.
There was an unusual abundance of dudes at the World AIDS Day panel I attended with my Passport group, which Carla and I were suitably impressed by, until Lauren told us they were mostly from one of those frats that come up with beneficiary event quotas, not unlike CIP, which undoes it all, doesn't it?
Happy December, and I will see you, very, very soon.
# posted by s. ning @ 10:07 PM