Because I couldn't resist lah!Wizards at GOF premieres in NYC and London, and if you haven't reached the point when you can
distinguish between the events per outfits, well done and you are well-tuned to read this post. Click to enlarge.
1. Dan Radcliffe, pompous twat
2. Ralph Fiennes obviously never read the books, because where in canon has Voldemort ever tried to eat Harry's face?
3. Heh. And if you haven't joined the SeedyOpiumDenofDoom bandwagon yet, see
here, but especially
4. Why Stanislav Ianevski should not wear brown, should not wear brown ever
5. Uneventful group picture until you examine Robert Pattinson's expression for a minute too long
6. Bonnie Wright gives in to the impeding pressures of Being Ginny Weasley, imagine the following books and the stress! The expectations!
# posted by s. ning @ 9:26 PM