Assumptions and exaggerationsThere is a US Embassy-organized seminar on the same day as the
Half-Blood Prince release. Dgmvjojslkjkiislf. You will see me flee from there
like no one has ever run before. I got my yearbook today and it is the
ugliest purple-and-green thing I have seen in my life. It appears that I am elected dishwasher at
all future CG retreats. I had my driving simulator session today with two guys. One of them
reminded me exactly of a random, ex-guitar mate, and the other was
quite possibly gay. Hiphop fiends
cannot look more incongruous than in the Bukit Batok heartland area.
No game is more fun than Yahoo! Graffiti. Huixin
most definitely needs shoes for her birthday.
# posted by s. ning @ 9:26 PM