"Ah laiked dat. Ya flava's hoat!"I have a cold. It reminds me of primary school when I would get up in the morning, have a tickly nose and know I would be sneezing for the rest of the day.
Ooh, Movies by the Bay was fun. In between Subway sandwiches and popcorn, we were laughing at everything that happened in
Honey to nonsensical effect e.g. boy gets into trouble with the cops and is when we get a shot of Jessica Alba visiting him, he's wearing a strange green uniform. Cherylene: "Huh? Is he in a Boys' Home?" and we guffawed callously. We were the only ones. Gen says Cherylene and I would be suffragettes if we lived back when it was relevant to be so. I hope I would be, but the devil on my left shoulder says if I turned out noble it would be by sheer coincidence, the way Victor Vargas' swaggering became something - because someone decided it would be.
I bought sunglasses today, finally finding a pair that didn't make me look a) blind, b) batty, c) Bono-ish.
I have to go do the laundry now.
# posted by s. ning @ 8:00 PM