Where have all the pictures gone?
Not into Hershey's cookies-and-cream, but consumed mysteriously by Angelfire. Curse 'em.
I came home early to work oh-so-studiously on Open House stuff only to find it flooded by NJians (is that what they call themselves?) both upstairs and down, rushing their IPW reports. Scary. In the masses I found my sister who said her teacher is prejudiced against fancy fonts. (Curse
We turned seventeen yesterday, and guess what? I realised this is the age peak for me. I woke up to realise I don't want to be eighteen. Even if we did get a lot of cake to celebrate (anyone finds birthdays highly overrated? Anybody? Anybody?). Saturday night we had the customary oh-I'm-so-happy-because-I'm-a-year-older shindig and yes... that part is not overrated.
Huixin: "
Who are these ugly people in the McDonalds' posters? Are they
French fries?" You go, girl, even if you do sew too many pink pencil-cases, hahaha.
Now is the time for uncharacteristically flower-childi-ish lyrics from Robbie Williams:
It'll come your way
It'll come your way some kind of beautiful
It'll come your way some kind of beautiful
It'll come your way some kind of beautiful
It'll come your way
Before the granite pillow whacks you on the skull and wow, it's been a whole year.
# posted by s. ning @ 10:34 AM