Yesterday evening was perfect for blogging, but my brother insisted on hogging the computer all night, so deal. *Mutters darkly*
Anyway, common tests are over. *Mad, capering dance of joy* After the History paper my class headed for Orchard along with the rest of the RJ J1 population. (Is S'pore really that small?) Seriously, 1c met 1a, 1b, 1d and 1e at the bus-stop... an unplanned congregation of arts classes, so we scarpered to the MRT instead. Pool - my second time playing, and maybe I'm a teensy bit better, ha who am I kidding, but it was fun anyway. All us girls went like nuts every time anyone got a ball in (which wasn't very often), much to the disgust of the guys *snicker*. Then we headed for Swensen's where I finally got my Chocolate Peanut Buttercup fix (although I had to tell the waitress the flavour about 492 times before she got it). Finally Borders, where there was a general Quest to find a good book, but all came up with empty hands.
It was lovely to go home and flop around being a useless bum. I gabbed on the phone with Huixin who was fretting about her geog exam, swallowed three chapters of the latest HP book (although Gen had accidentally let slip which character died in the end... arrrrgh) and tried a bit of serious guitar practice. I still think I'm gonna screw up at the concert, somehow, but let Confidence be the key.
The world is beautiful today, even if it
is raining! Oh, maybe that makes it more beautiful...
# posted by s. ning @ 10:17 AM