Morning! Man I SUCK at blog-building. Must remember to figure out how to a) put that camera pic as a background b) put up links c) get a tagboard. And do something about the hideous fonts. OKAY FINE call me materialistic or fussy or whatever; but it's really painful on the eyes. But orange is good. Kind of fits in with the sound_apple idea, whatever that means. As it is I gotta go study a.p.g.p and summation now since my study timetable is completely glitched up. OG-mate's birthday party is tonight; but xiu xiang can go. I am on self-imposed study quarantine; not like I'm actually living up to the noble gesture. Anyway. Han is at school having SATs lessons or something - will try to get her to blog later and stop relying on me to keep up the monotonous rambling.
# posted by s. ning @ 9:58 AM